The Orange County Nutritionist
A one-on-one unique approach offering you guidance, motivation, accountability, and encouragement to restore your health and achieve your goals
Getting the results, you want and need to stay focused and moving forward on your quest for better health
Learning essential tools and instruction for flexible meal guidance and/or meal plans, recipes, meal prep ideas, healthy “hacks” or alternatives to making bad food choices
Greater understanding of how your body functions and lifestyle habits necessary to enhance and sustain your best health forever without medication!
Restore and improve function to the body’s organs, glands, and hormones
All supplements used are clinical therapeutic grade "Example Standard Process"
Shed body fat and weight never feeling starved or deprived of food again
Reduction and elimination of chronic pain and symptoms with food & herbs
Feel years younger with a surge of youthful energy, vitality, & stamina that will enhance your body and mind
Reduce your food costs (With less hunger & cravings)
Reduce your medical costs (doctors, hospital visits, & medicine)
Easy grocery shopping for the “right” food choices without feeling confused of what to buy and learn how to use nutrition labels to know the difference between what’s really “healthy” and food manufactures call “healthy”
Improve your body’s ability to adapt to life’s stressors
Balance and reduce blood sugar problems that contribute to difficult food and sugar cravings
Keep insulin levels down to stop its destructive path leading to inflammation, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, metabolic syndrome, cancer, and so many, many other metabolic and inflammatory related illnesses…
How I Can Help You?
Using nutrient-dense foods-super foods-therapeutic grade supplements & herbal therapy-detoxification for immune enhancement, sports nutrition, inflammation, digestion problems, blood sugar problems, hormone balancing, brain enhancement, antiaging, optimal wellness & more…
The Program
This unique and very effective nutrition program was developed to easily help those change their health naturally and simple. It’s a step-by-step plan and process tailored to your specific needs that will restore your health and function and reduce and eliminate symptoms, so you will be able to lose the stored body fat and excess weight and continue on your path to your best health.
Body fat is a result of the body storing fat because it is not healthy. Healthy body fat loss occurs when the body is healthy and functioning the way it was intended. Weight loss is not a “one size fits all” solution utilizing fad diet plans. Everybody is unique and has its own chemistry, history, genetics, etc. and this must be taken into consideration for sustainable healthy weight. In order to achieve consistent and sustained healthy weight, it is essential to “reprogram” your metabolism, shut off your fat-storage hormones, balance and control cravings and constant eating, sooth and adapt to emotional and physical stress, and modify some lifestyle habits. It is a process and a journey. As a Certified Nutritionist and Lifestyle Coach, The OC Nutritionist will be able to help you make that journey very do-able, enjoyable, inspiring, and successful!
Initial Nutrition Evaluation and System Survey Analysis
My program starts with a comprehensive review of daily food choices, lifestyle habits, and the following:
Review of the findings of the System Survey Analysis identifying symptoms reflecting nutrient deficiencies within the body systems
Eating habits & schedule, hunger levels, and cravings
Root cause of stress, sleep habits, energy levels, toxicity load
Review of food sensitivities
Digestion issues effecting nutrient absorption
Blood test analysis
Review of health history and future health goals
Exercise & fitness habits & goals
Current supplements & medications
After a thorough review and understanding of your unique health issues & goals, a nutrition and lifestyle program tailored to your individual and specific needs will be recommended to optimize your health.
Change doesn't happen overnight. It is a process and important to be able to commit to a program that will allow your body to comfortably transform and make the healthy changes it needs. You will begin to see and experience the transformation that occurs! Twelve-weeks (sometimes more and sometimes less) usually allows the client and their body the time to make necessary and important changes in mindset and lifestyle for it to become a way of life. It is HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL at producing amazing results and benefits for my happy clients!